01. Hsieh, Ai-Yun, Chiu,Yu-Ping, Lo, Shao-Kang, and Li, Ting(2020), “Do not allow pop-up ads to appear too early internet users’ browsing behaviour to pop-up ads”, Behaviour & Information Technology, 1–10.doi:10.1080/0144929x.2020.1784282 (SSCI, Impact Factor= 1.781 in 2019, 11/22 Q1-Computer Science, Cybernetics)
02. Chiu, Yu-Ping, Lo, Shao-Kang(駱少康), and Hsieh, Ai-Yun, and Hwang, Yujong (2019), "Exploring why people spend more time shopping online than in offline stores", Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.95, pp.24-30. (SSCI, Impact Factor= 3.435 in 2016)
03. 駱少康、夏佳慧(2019),「品牌該在廣告片頭還是片尾露出?衡量凝視行為、品牌記憶與品牌態度」,中國廣告學刊,第24期。
04. Liu, Chih-Wei, Lo, Shao-Kang(駱少康), Hsieh, Ai-Yun, and Hwang, Yujong (2018), “Effects of Banner Ad Shape and the Schema Creating Process on Consumer Internet Browsing Behavior”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.86, pp.9-17. (SSCI, Impact Factor= 3.435 in 2016)
05. Liu, Chih-Wei, Hsieh, Ai-Yun, Lo, Shao-Kang(駱少康) , and Hwang, Yujong (2017), “What Consumers See when Time Is Running Out: Consumers’ Browsing Behaviors on Online Shopping Websites when under Time Pressure”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.70, pp.391-397 (SSCI, Impact Factor= 3.435 in 2016)
06. Chiu, Yu-Ping, Lo, Shao-Kang(駱少康), and Hsieh, Ai-Yun (2017), "How colour similarity makes banner advertising work: Insights from Gestalt theory", Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol.36, No.6, pp.606-619. ( SSCI, IF= 1.388 in 2016)
07. Hsieh, Ai-Yun, Lo, Shao-Kang(駱少康), and Chiu, Yu-Ping (2016), “Where To Place Online Advertisements? The Nature Congruence Between Online Advertising And Web Site Context” Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp.36-46. ( SSCI, Impact Factor= 1.386 in 2016)
08. Lo, Shao-Kang(駱少康), Lie, Ting, and Li, Chiuan-Luen (2016), “The Relationship between Online Game Playing Motivation and Selection of Online Game Characters - The Case of Taiwan” Behaviour & Information Technology,Vol. 35, No. 1, p57-67. ( SSCI, Impact Factor= 1.388 in 2016)
09. 林少龍、楊濱燦、駱少康(2016),「工作要求與工作控制的交互作用對倦怠與學習努力之影響:公平知覺之干擾角色」,台大管理論叢, 第26卷,第2期,頁239-372。(TSSCI)
10. 羅文坤、駱少康(2015),「網路彈跳式廣告其實沒有那麼糟」,新聞傳播科學(Journalism and Communications),第3卷,頁45-56。
11. 林少龍、駱少康、紀婉萍(2014),「延伸相似度對于品牌延伸的成功重要嗎-消費者多樣化尋覓與內在控制的調節角色」,南開管理評論,第17卷,第6期,頁139-148。(CSSCI)
12. Lo, Shao-Kang(駱少康), Hsieh, Ai-Yun, and Chiu, Yu-Ping (2014), “Keyword Advertising Is Not What You Think: Clicking and eye movement behaviors on keyword advertising”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, vol. 13, No. 4, pp.221-228. (SSCI, Impact Factor= 1.954 in 2016)
13. Chou, Yu-Jen, Lo, Shao-Kang(駱少康), and Teng, Ching-I (2014), “Reasons for Avatar Gender Swapping by Online Game Players: A Qualitative Interview-Based Study”, International Journal of E-Business Research, vol. 10, No. 4, pp.1-16. (leading article)(ABI)
14. Lo, Shao-Kang(駱少康), Hsieh, Ai-Yun, and Chiu, Yu-Ping (2014), “Why Expect Lower Prices Online? Empirical Examination in Online and Store-based Retailers”, International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, vol. 5, No. 1, pp.27-38.(EI)
15. Lo, Shao-Kang(駱少康), Chou, Yu-Jen, and Teng, Ching-I (2013), “Source Effect of Advertised Reference Price Influences on Transaction Value in Online Shopping Environments”, Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp.411-421. (leading article)(SSCI, Impact Factor= 1.32 in 2016)
16. Lo, Shao-Kang(駱少康) (2013), “The Influence of Equivocality in Purchasing Tasks on the Selection of Transaction Channels in Online Auctions”, Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp.603-611. (SSCI, Impact Factor= 1.388 in 2016)
17. Lo, Shao-Kang(駱少康), Hsieh, Ai-Yun, and Chiu, Yu-Ping (2013), “Contradictory Deceptive Behavior in Online Dating”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 1755–1762. (SSCI, IF= 3.435 in 2016)
18. Lo, Shao-Kang(駱少康), Chiu, Yu-Ping, and Hsieh, Ai-Yun (2013), “Photograph and model use within an online auction page for influencing buyer's bidding behavior”, Online Information Review, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 354-368. (leading article)(SSCI, Impact Factor = 1.543 in 2016)
19. Teng, Ching-I, Li, Yi-Jhen, and Lo, Shao-Kang(駱少康)(2012), “How Can Achievement Induce Loyalty Combination of the Goal-Setting Theory and Flow Theory Perspectives”, Service Science, Vol.4, No.3, pp.183-194. (leading article)(SSCI, Impact Factor= 1.158 in 2016)
20. 駱少康、鄭銘偉(2010),「線上代理人對廣告效果之影響:以臨場感角度討論」,管理評論,第29卷,第1期,頁35-50。(TSSCI)
21. Chou, Yu-Jen, Teng, Ching-I, and Lo, Shao-Kang(駱少康)(2009), “Mutual Self-Disclosure Online in the B2C Context”, Internet Research, Vol.19, No.5, pp.466-478.(leading article)(SSCI, Impact Factor= 2.931 in 2016)
22. Lo, Shao-Kang(駱少康) (2008), “The Impact of Online Game Character’s Outward Attractiveness and Social Status on Interpersonal Attraction”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.24, No.5, pp.1947-1958. (SSCI, Impact Factor= 3.435 in 2016)
23. Lo, Shao-Kang(駱少康) and Lie, Ting (2008), “Selection of Communication Technologies - A Perspective Based on Information Richness Theory and Trust”, TECHNOVATION, Vol.28, No.3, pp.146-153. (SSCI, Impact Factor = 3.265 in 2016
24. Lo, Shao-Kang(駱少康) (2008), “The Nonverbal Communication Functions of Emoticons in Computer-Mediated Communication” CyberPsychology & Behavior, Vol.11, No.5, pp.595-597. (SSCI, Impact Factor = 2.71 in 2011,目前期刊更名為Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking, Impact Factor= 2.571 in 2016)
25. Wang, Chih-Chien, Lo, Shao-Kang(駱少康), and Fang, Wenchang (2008), “Extending the Technology Acceptance Model to Mobile Telecommunication Innovation: The Existence of Network Externalities”, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol.7, March-April, pp.101-110. (SSCI, Impact Factor= 1.481 in 2016)
26. Teng, Ching-I, Lo, Shao-Kang(駱少康), and Wang, Pe-Cheng (2007), “How to Know and Choose Online Games—Differences between Current and Potential Players”,CyberPsychology & Behavior, Vol.10, No.6, pp.837-842. SSCI, Impact Factor = 2.71 in 2011,目前期刊更名為Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking, Impact Factor= 2.571 in 2016)
27. 駱少康(2007),線上遊戲虛擬資產交易模式探索以及玩家社交關係對交易信任之影響,資訊社會研究,第十二期,頁87-108。
28. Lo, Shao-Kang(駱少康), Wang, Chih-Chien, and Fang, Wenchang (2005), “Physical Interpersonal Relationships and Social Anxiety among Online Game Players”, CyberPsychology & Behavior, Vol.8, No. 1, pp.15-21. (SSCI, Impact Factor = 2.71 in 2011,目前期刊更名為Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking, Impact Factor= 2.571 in 2016)
29. 駱少康、汪志堅、方文昌(2005),「線上遊戲消費者購買決策程序與轉換因素探索」,電子商務研究,第三卷,第三期,頁289~306。
30. 駱少康、金力鵬(2005),「行動電信重度使用者預測與行為探索」,商管科技季刊,第六卷,第二期,頁283-293。
31. 李欣穎、汪志堅、駱少康、方文昌(2003),「網路謠言的跨國傳播現象初探」,資訊社會研究,第五期,頁175-206。
32. 汪志堅、駱少康(2002),「以內容分析法探討網路謠言之研究」,資訊、科技與社會學報,第二十期,頁131-148。